Distributor rotation for 1987 Audi 4000 CS Quattro

Huw Powell audi at humanspeakers.com
Mon Oct 26 18:12:11 PDT 2015

First, I think you should keep list discussions on the list.  Use "reply 
to all", or just manually make sure of it.

Second, why don't you tell us the whole story from the beginning?

You didn't hurt the coil.

But what did you do between it starting to run badly and mixing up the 
ignition wires?

- Huw

On 10/26/2015 4:32 PM, David Vanden wrote:
> Per your advice I think I got it right.  It I not backfiring.  But it is
> not starting now.  Is it possible that running it with the wrong
> distributor arrangement may have compromised the ignition coil and now
> that needs to be replaced.  I am not sure what happened because it was
> running just great and then it suddenly started missing and back
> firing.  Let me know what you think.
> David
> On Monday, October 26, 2015 12:53 PM, Huw Powell
> <audi at humanspeakers.com> wrote:
> Mostly to reiterate what others have said:
> The distributor rotor turns clockwise when seen from above.
> The cylinder are numbered 1-5 from the front.
> The firing order is 1-2-4-5-3, as indicated on the head.
> At TDC by the crank, the rotor will either point to the #1 plug wire or
> 180 degrees away from it.
> To get true TDC, the "0" mark on the flywheel (crank locator) will be at
> the straight edge in the hole in the bell housing, and if you remove the
> oil fill cap, you will see the front two cam lobes both sticking "up"
> symmetrically perpendicular to the plane of the head.
> Put the #1 wire there then proceed clockwise with #2, 4, 5, & 3.
> After reassembly set the timing to about 6 degrees BTDC for stock
> adjustments.
> Then, since your backfiring will still be happening, fix all your vacuum
> leaks.
> Finally, I dug out, tested, and offered to sell to you a good used
> coolant reservoir (and radiator fan) many months ago.  You did not
> follow through and I put them away.
> All the best,
> Huw
> On 10/26/2015 10:44 AM, David Vanden wrote:
>  > Does anyone know or have a diagram of the distributor rotation for a
> 1987 Audi 4000 CS Quattro?  I don't know which cylinder plug wire
> connects to which location on the distributor.  I tried assembling it
> like the old one and it continues to hesitate and to back fire
> horribly.  Which is why I changed the plug wires in the first place.
> The timing is still all off.
>  > Anyway if someone knows the arrangement please tell me.  Assuming I
> might have had it right the first time and it back fired anyway, does
> anyone know what the problem might be?  Electronic ignition?  Ignition Coil?
>  > Finally, if anyone has an expansion tank in good shape for this car I
> would like to get it.  Let me know.
>  > Dave
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