Where to find a good crimper ?

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Thu Sep 10 09:16:14 PDT 2015

MCM electronics has some very good prices on crimpers.  I bought one of
their ratcheting crimpers which came with 4 die sets and have been very
happy with it over the years.

On smaller gauge wires, I've had great luck using 3M connectors, the kind
that linemen use which are round and have insulating gel inside.  Put the
wires in and squeeze with any pliers and you're done.

It maybe overkill, but for a few bucks more (not that many more with
FleaBay deals) you can use waterproof connectors.  They can be good
insurance when used under the hood or anywhere water or moisture may be a

For PITA locations, a pen solder gun and a few coats of "liquid
electrical tape" has worked well for me also.

Good luck, a 1976 Lotus?  Better you than me!  ;-)

Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.

On Thu, 10 Sep 2015 11:26:38 -0400 <laraa at sympatico.ca> writes:
> Hi people of infinite knowledge,
> The same guy that bought the 914 also have a 1976 Lotus Elite, and 
> this car
> is now in my driveway. I know, I know, he has strange tastes. Since 
> both
> cars will need some rewiring, I'm looking to buy a 
> professional-quality wire
> crimper, with the appropriate crimps. Anyone has a lead to such a 
> device for
> an amateur like me ? 
> Another solution would be shrink-tubes over soldering. I saw back in 
> the day
> some tubes with a product inside that solder wires when one heat 
> from
> outside. It was in a workshop manual at Renault, where there was a 
> need to
> maintain a very high conductivity when repairing a broken wire. The 
> main
> reason was those cars were multiplexed, and low-voltage twisted-pair 
> looms
> were need for communication between ECUs. The heat gun was a 
> specific
> device, with a deflector to protect the other wires. Very clever 
> stuff.
> So, what are my best, cost-effective solution to repair the two 
> old-timers ?
> Louis-Alain
> PS : the guy that owns the cars used to have a built Quattro (AAN 
> engine,
> 034EFI) that is now somewhere in Oregon. His fleet of older cars 
> spawned
> from the sell. Could he miss the high-maintenance nature of the urQ 
> ?

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