Battery charger

bluemaxww1 at bluemaxww1 at
Tue Jul 19 10:48:27 PDT 2016

This is the one I use.  Not cheap, but it has kept my full size deep cycle trailer battery alive for 7 years.  I also use the same one on the coupe.

This is a review.

This is on Amazon.

Greg W.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nicholas Miller <chance9121 at>
To: Alan Streicher <streichea001 at>
Cc: Quattro <quattro at>
Sent: Mon, Jul 18, 2016 10:42 am
Subject: Re: Battery charger

This is the one I use, and I'm a fan.  Been about 2 years, and it stillworks when I need it.  If its hooked up right, it will jump a car with a10.8v charge first shot. are also the "pocket" jump starters which work well, and areattractive because of the usb plug in, variety of leads, and compact size.I'd be fine with using one of these, especially for keeping it in the car.  The thing I like about my larger/heavier DSR is that I can plug it in andcharge it, then let it set for months without it really losing muchcharge.  I can also probably jump 20 cars in a row without having to chargeit up, though I do anyway between uses.  It will also work really well invery cold temps, the smaller unit may struggle.Hope this helps,NickOn Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 5:01 PM, Alan Streicher <streichea001 at>wrote:> What is the best,<$100, 12V car charger.? Any info CTEK? I need quick,> emergency, get up and go.>> Al> _______________________________________________> quattro mailing list>> mailing list

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