Re:02 A4q 3.0 Aux. belt tensioner failure theringmeister at
Thu Mar 17 12:30:07 PDT 2016 aux belt you mean the serpentine belt not timing...right?

Not sure what the service interval on the tensioners for those is.. Cody probably knows but he's at Sebring this week keeping some vintage racecars track-worthy.
Fairly certain the tensioner on my 92 UrS's AAN is original. I know it is on the 08 Q7's 3.6 170K. Probably need to change the belt at the very least... maybe the tensioner too.

----- Reply message -----
From: quattro-request at
To: <quattro at>
Subject: quattro Digest, Vol 149, Issue 6
Date: Thu, Mar 17, 2016 3:00 PM

From: Tihol Tiholov <t.tiholov at>
To: "quattro at" <quattro at>
Subject: '02 A4q 3.0 Aux. belt tensioner failure
<CAFgi7AYqK-a2BToRPr_H7Mb_e++qZHeZ076SjWVobpfva4yLgA at>
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Just sharing.
2 days ago the roller of the auxiliary/poly V belt tensioner seized with no
prior noise warning prior and, of course, ripped the belt, almost through.
Car had 150K km.
How often does this happen? Have 3 other VAG products, 2 with original
tensioners and no issues. Any BTDT's?



Message: 2
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2016 01:07:58 -0600
From: Peter Golledge <petergolledge at>
To: Tihol Tiholov <t.tiholov at>
Cc: "quattro at" <quattro at>
Subject: Re: '02 A4q 3.0 Aux. belt tensioner failure
<CACt5vdX=vyjLFBa0MQvfmRtX2OrY3m0Xig4F326-y9gPL+ccSg at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Well on all of the older generation motors (MC, AAN etc) belts/idlers were
always replaced every 60K miles  (along with Water pump since it was the
tension device).  I'd keep with that, way cheaper than a new motor.

Could be worse there are later V8 Audis with insane ($5K) repairs to get
timing chain tensioners replaced. :-)

On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 1:40 PM, Tihol Tiholov <t.tiholov at> wrote:

> Just sharing.
> 2 days ago the roller of the auxiliary/poly V belt tensioner seized with no
> prior noise warning prior and, of course, ripped the belt, almost through.
> Car had 150K km.
> How often does this happen? Have 3 other VAG products, 2 with original
> tensioners and no issues. Any BTDT's?
> --
> Tihol

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