Audi Collector's Series cards

Michael McLaughlin mcloffs at
Sun Sep 25 11:30:23 PDT 2016

I’ve been going through stuff in an attempt to downsize and came across some cards that might be of interest to someone on the list. They’re Audi Collector’s Series cards, and there are six of them, that have pictures of vintage cars — a 1926 Horch, a 1937 Audi, a 1958 Auto Union, a 1936 Horch, a 1939 Audi and a 1931 Horch. My uncle gave them to me probably 25 years ago; he worked in the parts department of a dealer. I’d be happy to send pictures to anyone who’s interested, and if you pay for shipping (shouldn’t be very much) they’re yours.

-Mike McLaughlin

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