1990 Audi 100 - time to let it go

Dan DiBiase dan.dibiase at gmail.com
Tue Dec 19 04:05:59 PST 2017

Been a while since I've seen one of these, I had forgotten how great
looking they are, especially with the Euro lights. Still very modern
looking. Good luck with the sale.

Dan D
'04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
Central NJ USA


On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 12:55 PM, Peter Elias <peter at pcelias.com> wrote:

> Time to let go of my 1990 Audi 100.
> A couple of issues that could all be resolved, albeit the labor is more
> than I want to or can put into it.
> Unfortunately, demand for these cars are virtually nil down here in
> Dallas. I think my 100 was the only one I've seen down here driving around
> for many years!
> For what it's worth, I've got it listed at the local Craigslist at:
> https://post.craigslist.org/manage/6428916204
> To my knowledge, this is the 2nd highest mileage one in the USA at approx.
> 358,000 miles (the only other one I know of was someone out of the east
> coast that said his has over 500,000 miles on it!).
> If anyone knows anyone that is interested in this car, I'd appreciate
> hearing about it!   (but I can't/don't want to "part it out" since it's
> sitting in front my house; it'll have to be sold as an entire car).
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