AC recharge
Cody Forbes
cody at
Sat Jun 3 06:54:37 PDT 2017
Yeah just not enough refrigerant. Easy fix, just add more.
-Cody Forbes (mobile)
> On Jun 3, 2017, at 9:14 AM, Eric Huppert <ehuppert at> wrote:
> Going south for a couple of days and decided to recharge the AC on the 200
> 20v.
> Evacuated system (28" of vacuum) for over an hour, then turned off and let
> sit to see if any leaks. (Was some pressure prior to starting evac, but not
> enough to kick in compressor)
> Audi says 31.7 ozs. for retrofit to 134. (
> Pressure: Bentley calls for 19-46 lbs (low) and 154-255 (high)
> I now have 36 ozs and my low side pressure is 22 lbs. As soon as I come off
> idle and maintain rpm the pressure drops and compressor disengages/cycles.
> High side is around 200 or a touch less. Ambient temp was around 65...
> Plenty cold inside car, mid 30's.
> Thinking I'm still low pressure wise. Guess I'm going for another can in the
> morning, last ditch effort as I need to leave on Sunday!
> Been driving the car local for a couple of weeks on and off, looks like I'll
> be doing around a thousand miles.... Not quite the way I like to sort things
> out, but you don't get to pick funeral dates!!!!!....
> Anyway, anyone BTDT with the recharge?
> Eric
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