Future of this group

Sean Cole v8coupe at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 17:06:54 PST 2018

I feel it's the changing of times, so much is now in Facebook groups and
Instagram, and YouTube. The old ways are dying off to newer ways of
communication. This has it's plusses and minuses which is a completely
different subject.

Personally I feel the switch to the newer more instantaneous response forms
is useful, but it also comes with the need to not only be on them, but to
stay active. Which for some is great they are active and a contributing
member, but for those like myself it's sometimes a real struggle to find
the information you need. Like everything in life though change is
inevitable so if this is ending because of its old "slow" way I'll miss it.
If this is it so be it, but I'd like to see it survive some how.

I've gotten a lot of info from this over the years and made some friends
along the way.


On Thu, Dec 13, 2018, 6:10 PM Huw Powell <audi at humanspeakers.com wrote:

> I did not even realize I was no longer seeing an email or two every month.
> Surely the people who sent those dozen or so messages were curious as to
> why they heard nothing back?
> What's funny is that this spate of old mail coming through came
> immediately after I resurrected a badly crashed computer, with the only
> real loss being a couple of months of emails. So I thought it was some
> weird glitch on my end.
> I see no reason to do anything other than perhaps let it die in peace.
> - Huw
> On 12/13/2018 12:34 PM, cobram at juno.com wrote:
>  > I hadn't even noticed the lapse in group continuity.
> On 12/12/2018 2:54 PM, Cody wrote:
> > Since the list so unceremoniously vanished 8ish months ago, but is now
> mysteriously back we can now have a chance to organize a potential
> replacement.
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