Future of this group

Dave Dave at Eaton.kiwi
Thu Dec 20 12:38:36 PST 2018

its a good point huw, but also illustrates the point of difference.  technology has moved on and even the availability of parts from alternative supply chains has made some things easier and cheaper. i have reviewed a number of videos of the procedures involved with dash removal, but i reached out to the list because i trust the btdt advice and my ability to engage direct with anyone with that experience. it’s a  connection that i trust. i don’t see 1 replacing the other, but complementing it.

’08 rs6 avant
’04 golf gti
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2018 16:07:11 -0500
> From: Huw Powell <audi at humanspeakers.com>
>> I feel it's the changing of times
> "Dave, I strongly suspect there is a YouTube video regarding this."
> It's not just a changing of the times - the simple, basic reason the 
> list existed in the first place was an historical anomaly. Due to the 60 
> Minutes hatchet job, a lot of us found ourselves able to buy mid-80s 
> Audis on the cheap.
> Repairs, however, did not come with that discount, and so a lot of 
> people were struggling to learn how to do them themselves, and also how 
> to deal with the various quirks of the brand. Enter the internet in the 
> mid to late 90s.
> Those people have mostly moved on, and the those cars were mostly 
> crushed long ago. A decade ago. And the internet has vastly improved in 
> the ways it can be a vehicle for information.

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