possible cup holder record

Dan DiBiase dan.dibiase at gmail.com
Mon Jan 8 04:21:36 PST 2018

Have the Germans grudgingly admitted that cupholders are ok? My '04 A4 has
3 - a flimsy one that pops out and up from the dash and allows condensation
to drip directly onto the face of the radio (and stopped 'popping up about
5 years ago) and a double one inside the armrest that interferes with the
ability to shift. I haven't seen the interiors of any new Audis, BMWs or
MBs lately.

Dan D
'04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6 (visiting Sears for new battery today)
Central NJ USA


On Sun, Jan 7, 2018 at 10:41 PM, DeWitt Harrison <dewitt635 at gmail.com>

> With recollections of the derision that old school quattro-listers once
> heaped upon the very thought of having a cup holder in a presumptive
> performance automobile, I was stunned to read that the new Urabus Ascent
> will offer an astounding 19 (nineteen) cup holders to its 7 or 8 occupants.
> Sounds like a veritable rolling beach party! Make of this what you will but
> Urabus sales continue to climb rapidly in the US having already surpassed
> 500k units per year. Lots of parties?
> DeWitt Harrison
> '88 5ktq
> Colorado
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