[20v] '91 CQ Springs

Christopher Gharibo cgharibo at usa.net
Sun Mar 31 17:23:41 PDT 2019

Hi Luis,

Can you direct me to a link for more info on this setup?

Thank you.


------ Original Message ------
Received: Sun, 31 Mar 2019 08:14:23 PM EDT
From: LUIS ENCARNACION <luisencarnacion at msn.com>
To: Christopher Gharibo <cgharibo at usa.net>, 20V List <20v at lists.20v.org>,
"quattro at audifans.com" <quattro at audifans.com>
Subject: Re: [20v] '91 CQ Springs

> I just got KW V1 coliovers from Germany. With those you can adjust thw ride
as needesld. 2Bennett had "custom" build coilovers set up using OEM steut
modified by cuting the perch and installing a thick washer, but at 2200 the
setup... Too much for a homebuild set up. KW V1 are all stainless steel and
allows for a wider tire since the perch is gone.
> Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Christopher Gharibo <cgharibo at usa.net>
> Date: 3/31/19 8:03 PM (GMT-05:00)
> To: 20V List <20v at lists.20v.org>, quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: [20v] '91 CQ Springs
> I'll be updating the suspension on my '91 CQ in the next 6 months and would
> like to maintain the original ride characteristics.
> The springs are original. I cant find replacements.
> Any advice on a spring source or whether if the springs need to be changed
> all?
> CG
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