Excessive cranking & carb cleaner near exhaust manifold stalls car

Huw Powell audi at humanspeakers.com
Thu Jan 2 10:25:10 PST 2020

Your assumption doesn't make sense to me.

How could a place that exhaust is leaking out under pressure draw in 
carb cleaner and stall the engine?

Use a smoke machine to find your intake tract leak(s). They are very 
simple. Any auto shop should have one.

As far as the excessive cranking, maybe there is a fix (or multiple 
fixes), but the car *is* 29 years old. That said, my '88 usually starts 
quickly. But the passenger seat belt is tricky to use.

- Huw

On 1/2/2020 6:55 AM, Christopher Gharibo wrote:
> My '91 coupe always needs excessive cranking to start unless I use throttle,
> hot or cold. My ISV is new and gets power. Idle speed and CO are factory spec.
> As I spray carb cleaner to find a stubborn vacuum leak near the exhaust
> manifold, my car stalls.
> I am assuming this is my exhaust manifold or gasket. Is this tough to
> replace?
> Any suggestions on excessive cranking? There does not appear to be a vacuum
> leak.
> Thanks!
> CG
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