quattro Digest, Vol 194, Issue 1

DeWitt Harrison dewitt635 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 11 14:05:47 PDT 2020

On Saturday, July 11, Christopher Gharibo <cgharibo at usa.net>wrote:

" My ‘91 coupe needs an ac condenser. I am looking for a quality brand.
What do you recommend"

The key, given that Audi officially no longer gives a rat's crap about you
and your old Audi (owners of current Audi models take heed), is to become
comfortable with a local repair shop which deals with old German POSs, I
mean cars. My local shop seems to somehow be able to come up with quality
repair parts, AC parts in particular, that the local dealer would only
laugh at you about. "Ha ha, you totally stupid old Audi owner! More than 8
years old? Go f*#% yourself!"

If you become truly desperate, there is a German company called Audi
Tradition that sources an amazing selection of parts which are NLA from
American dealers. Problem is, it's not easy to find a way to buy those
parts. US dealers seem to be resistant to sourcing from them, even though
they can, and Audi Traditions will not sell directly to US civilians. I
would suggest either going with your trusted local shop or figuring out how
to buy from A.T.

Cheers Christopher! I'm so impressed you have hung in there so steadfastly
to keep your German POS on the road. My take away? Buy Japanese. (Except
then you won't get any more coolness points for being a German POS enabler.)

My own German POS is a 1988 5KTQ (Still a very nice car thanks to a small,
well actually a very large, fortune in upkeep. Just spent two more hours on
it today, just to stay in shape. I could have bought at least a current
model RS7 for the same money and maybe also a small new Mercedes with the
spare change.) Yep. I am also an idiot as my wife will attest.

On Sat, Jul 11, 2020 at 1:03 PM <quattro-request at audifans.com> wrote:

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> Today's Topics:
>    1. ‘91 Audi coupe quality AC condense (Christopher Gharibo)
>    2. Re: ‘91 Audi coupe quality AC condense (Dan DiBiase)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Christopher Gharibo <cgharibo at usa.net>
> To: 20V List <20v at lists.20v.org>, "<quattro at audifans.com>" <
> quattro at audifans.com>
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2020 11:16:10 -0400
> Subject: ‘91 Audi coupe quality AC condense
> My ‘91 coupe needs an ac condenser. I am looking for a quality brand. What
> do you recommend?
> CG
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Dan DiBiase <dan.dibiase at gmail.com>
> To: Christopher Gharibo <cgharibo at usa.net>
> Cc: 20V List <20v at lists.20v.org>, "<quattro at audifans.com>" <
> quattro at audifans.com>
> Bcc:
> Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2020 12:24:41 -0400
> Subject: Re: ‘91 Audi coupe quality AC condense
> Doesn't answer your question, but apparently most of these are crap now.
> Was at a British car mechanic on Thursday talking about getting some work
> done on my MGB, and he was working on a Land Rover that needed a new
> compressor. He was on the 9th one - all the others were crap. Mostly made
> in the US too....
> Dan D
> Central NJ USA
> http://dandibiase.cbintouch.com/
> On Sat, Jul 11, 2020 at 11:16 AM Christopher Gharibo <cgharibo at usa.net>
> wrote:
> > My ‘91 coupe needs an ac condenser. I am looking for a quality brand.
> What
> > do you recommend?
> >
> > CG
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