[s-cars] Re: Boost fixed

otw185 otw185 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 1 14:53:39 EDT 2002

Jim wins:

your number 1 was the culprit.  I've added a new
battery as well but windows are still acting up.  Will
try to replace the vacuum servo.  Thanks for all who
responded to help.


--- jimk at spotgraphicsinc.com wrote:
> Hey there,
> I'm not sure if Feico gave you enough detail re:
> what he thinks is
> causing your noboost situation.  I agree with him on
> both counts though,
> I have had both situations that he talks about:
> 1. In the Engine compartment (most likely, happens
> to almost all of
> these cars before 70k miles): Attached to the
> firewall JUST under the
> strut brace is a black plastic piece secured by two
> plastic fasteners.
> (About 12x3x2 in size).  Rotoate fasteners 90
> degrees, the cover lifts
> off.  There is a small canister under there with a
> 1/4" back hose that
> is probably off.  Reattach using a new hoseclamp
> from an autoparts
> store.  You cannot reuse the original clamp.  Be
> careful with the
> fasteners, they need some pressure to turnthem but
> snap easily.  Not a
> big deal to drive without the cover while you're
> waiting for new
> fasteners to arrive....
> If it's not #1, then check:
> #2:  The boost hose is off at the ECU - if your car
> is not chipped, you
> need to cut the carpet to get to the ECU.  If it is
> chipped, it should
> already be cut.  Cut the carpet at the seam on the
> left side of the
> passeger foot well.  It should be covered up by the
> floormat.  Pull the
> carpet back, under the screws holdign the
> floorboards in place.  Take
> the boards out, and look at the ECU.  There is a
> 1/4" pressure lne going
> into the side of it.  This might have come off.  IF
> so, reattach using a
> new clamp.  If you're chipped, this could definitely
> happen.  If you're
> stock, I have not heard of this failure on a stock
> car that has never
> had its ECU out.  I'd probably hesitate to cut the
> carpet before I was
> sure this was the problem.
> #1 in my car caused the cutoff at 4000 rpm's.  The
> computer thinks it is
> getting too much boost and shuts things down.
> #2 in my car this situation gave the normally
> aspirated feeling.
> Happened when my tech took the ECU out for
> amodification and forgot to
> reattach the line.  I'm drivign around thinking,
> gee, I should have gone
> for a more radical chipset.....
> Anyway, it's probably situation #1, which can be
> fixed in 10 minutesa nd
> for less than 75 cents.
> Jim K
> 93S4
> 90CQ

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