[s-cars] No A/C, no wipers, and finally, no start

George Kostiuk george at kostiuk.net
Thu Aug 1 18:45:34 EDT 2002

Just got my car back...new switch, new starter. Can't complain that much,
cost C$750 (US$500) for parts, labor, taxes. Have the old switch and will
check part no. -- just because the repair history says the "KB" ignition
switch recall campaign was done, doesn't meant the dealer actually did the
repair -- could have billed Audi for the work, then sold the new switch
thru the parts counter for more $$$. My bad switch is part # 4A0 905 849.
Other marks has the logo "LK" and "8227" on the rear black plastic.

Good luck with your starter repair.

George Kostiuk
96 S6 (now starts!)

At 10:10 AM 01/08/2002 -0600, Mike Durian wrote:
>On Tue, 30 Jul 2002 19:01:36 EDT, Robert Myers <robert at s-cars.org> wrote:
> >George,
> >
> >Try this for size: your ignition switch did not return to the "run"
> >position but stayed in the "start" position.  This keeps the starter
> >cranking an already running engine leading to starter burn up (hence smell
> >of electrics burning).  It also keeps the load reduction relay engaged so
> >that HVAC, power windows, turn signals, headlights, etc. do not work.  On
> >attempted restart the load reduction relay acts normally because the switch
> >returns to the "run" position and all the electrics appear to operate
> >normally however the engine won't start because the starter is
> >dead.  Cure?  Replace ignition switch and, likely, the starter or at least
> >the solenoid.
>I removed my starter last night despite the intentions of a very stubborn
>16mm bolt head.  Once removed, I took off the back end of the starter
>and literally poured the brushes out like so much sand.
>Clearly, I suffered the failure you describe.

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