[s-cars] Eibach spacer answer

jeff posto jpostup at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 8 13:35:38 EDT 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

I am fanatically calling Eibach these days. The rare times I don't get shoved to voice mail, today, I asked for "Bo".  The receptionist replies, Bo is not working here any more.!  WaaaahhhH!
Of course, I ask for the techline, who are out to lunch for the moment.
Jeff Bound and Determined to get them Rings.

 Peter Anderson
wrote:OMG was it really a couple of years ago already? That's scary.

In my numerous emails / tel calls with Eibach at the time, " Bo" was one of
the people that helped straighten things out. (we were first sent the wrong
springs) As things were clarified we asked about the sagging issue and they
produced the (rear) spacer for our application. I can't find any of those
messages so I can't get into the specifics. The first set of spacers they
sent were too small a diam. They subsequently sent out correctly sized
pieces. The first were anodized or powder coated black and the second
(correct) set was cad plated steel. I may still have that 1st set of
spacers laying around...

Peter Anderson
93 S4 6speed

On 08/07/02 3:26 PM, "jimk at spotgraphicsinc.com"

> Fellas,
> In regard to the spacer to use for the Eibach springs with Bilstein shocks,
> the
> answer is to call the 1-800 number on the Eibach website, ask for "Bo" in
> customer
> service. (I suppose you could email him too) Tell him what you need, he has
> the
> spacers there (he's the guy that was in charge of getting them made for the
> group
> purchase a couple of years ago and still had some fairly recently). I don't
> know
> a part number (or if there even is one), but ask for him, he will know exactly
> what you want. Very good customer service in my experience.
> He will charge you $20 UNLESS you bought the springs with the Group Purchase
> and
> IIRC, that includes postage.
> However, I do not know if this will solve Frederic's problem as he has Koni's.

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