[s-cars] wheels and tires

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Fri Aug 9 08:30:39 EDT 2002

Matt writes:

> 2. It sounds like having two sets of wheels & tires is a
> great way to go. When do most of you swap from summer to
> winter tires?

Um, 10 minutes before the first snowfall?

I have a floor jack and a cordless impact wrench. Changeover takes 30
minutes, tops, so I wait until the last minute.

> 3. My budget only affords one set of tires right now. Should
> I get the snow tires now? Or should I buy a set of wheels
> and some great street tires now, and purchase some snow
> tires for my old rims in a few months?

Depends on your budget. A set of wheels and great street tires will run you
somewhere between $1K and 2K.

Will you be able to afford snow tires before October/November? If so, go for
it, if not, drive the Gislaveds till fall and then get a set of fresh snows
for your 16x8 wheels.

'95.5 S6 avant
'96 A6 quattro avant

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