[s-cars] Sunroof Gone Wild

Russ Panneton russ at panneton.name
Fri Aug 9 23:42:34 EDT 2002

On Fri, 9 Aug 2002 19:48:26 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>My sunroof is starting to act up. When I try to close
>it, it will move about 80% of the way an the open back
>up. Is it common for the rotary switch to fail or is
>there a way to clean it?

Mine does that sometimes, too.  I believe the motor electronics sense an
obstruction, real or "imagined," and reverse the closing action.  I can
reliably close mine by "helping" close it that last 1/3 or so of the way.  The
windows will also reverse closing if they sense too much resistance.



Russ Panneton                          russ at s-cars.org
Nederland, CO              "Too bad ignorance isn't painful"

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