[s-cars] 20k civics and other musings...

Joseph Pizzimenti pizzoman at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 10 13:08:56 EDT 2002

A question for the ages, Theodore...Perhaps a more
philosophical inquiry would be where its soul has gone
once all of this modifying began, how it disappeared
and where it went.  Or, does it inherently lack a

Or am I drinking too much Corona on this hot Saturday?

--- Theodore Chen <tedebearp at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > MILAMBERB at aol.com wrote:
> >
> > >--
> > >[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> > > I used to wonder why kids did that to rice
> burners,but the answer is
> > >simple.
> > >They can't afford the insurance on a Porsche or
> come up with 20k at once.
> > >Plus it is fun to build a car up from stock. But
> yes those cars will never
> > >have the soul that a european car posseses.
> > >
> i think they see it as personalizing their cars, and
> having something
> that you can't just buy off the shelf.
> also, it's ironic that you say those cars will never
> have the soul that
> a european car possesses, since the car that
> presumably prompted this
> discussion was an audi that had been set upon by an
> intemperate riceboy.
> does it still have its soul?
> -teddy
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