[s-cars] Heater turn on.

Greg Wolters GJWArch at 95959.com
Sun Aug 11 16:41:10 EDT 2002


How come simple processes become so complicated?  I really want to get all of
the green stuff out
so I will have a fresh charge of the right stuff.

Could I pack ice around the temp sensor?  Is it near a headlight?  Then I
could fool my heater
into coming on...?  I don't have access to a vag-com.

Also, I was looking at my engine, I think I know where the t-stat is... looks
a bit difficult to get
to.  Any BTDT's?

Thanks again all you Audi nuts!

Nevada City, CA
94 S4
86 4KCSQ CommEd (still for sale)

Bob Rossato wrote:

> > Good luck, sounds like a rather odd problem to have.  I can see
> > where Audi may have overlooked this one.  You could also try
> > running a fan hard on the inside and make the inside seem cooler than 95.
> >
> > Eric
> Wind chill doesn't work on inanimate objects.  No matter how strong a flow
> it will still be 95deg air.
> Bob
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