[s-cars] 20k civics

Charlie Smith charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org
Mon Aug 12 11:30:26 EDT 2002

Earlier, Lee Levitt wrote:
> Hmm. This never happens to me when I'm sitting in a parking lot in my Audi
> Station Wagon.
> Weird.
> Maybe they don't notice the Porche brake calipers, the stained steel brake
> hoses, or the Relaxo bucket seats. I'm sure they don't know about the
> Smarmco Interstellar hoses, the Eyeback springiethingies or the MilSpec
> shocks.
> Cos if they did, they'd be all over my middle aged ass, huh? :)

Of course!

> Think I'll get one of these and get it powdercoated to match my Smarmco
> hoses (robin's egg blue)
> cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/ebayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1849141771&r=0&t=0
> How would that look on my Station Wagon?

Yup, Lee ...  I think you have the answer.  One on each end would provide
even more downforce.  A definite Babe Magnet {tm}!

The only think I've ever driven that really fell into the Babe Magnet
class was a Ducati 851 bike ...  when I was wearing a full face helmet,
and they couldn't see that they were talking to some Olde Fart - you
should have seen the babes that were attracted!  Why didn't I have
something like that when I wuz 20 or 25 and had no sense?

    - Charlie

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