[s-cars] 20k civics & Audis

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Mon Aug 12 16:38:20 EDT 2002

Peter writes:

> Lee,
> I don't know if you went to the NE club gathering at Ira in danvers, but
> there was an A4 / S4 with a wing very similar to that.  ...Ugh!  It wasn't
> quite as big /high but it didn't look right to yours truly.

Naw, I didn't get a chance to go. I think I registered, but had family
things going on...

> There were cars there that must have had 15 to 20K in
> modifications.  I took a few pics but have no web page to post at right

Why is it that tasteful mods are usually not obvious, and actually add to
the capability of the car, while tasteless mods are obvious, and usually
take away capability?


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