[s-cars] Exhaust banging - APR snub mount

James Murray (LMC) James.Murray at ericsson.ca
Thu Aug 15 17:12:36 EDT 2002

I had this problem when I first got my S4 (no Strumong), I had the exhaust
alinged and never heard it since.

APR Snub mount at APR $50
Or at ECS, same price:

Any other polyeurathane mounts available? Sure sounds like a neat little mod


	-----Original Message-----
	From:	jeff posto [SMTP:jpostup at yahoo.com]
	Sent:	August 15, 2002 3:51 PM
	To:	Joseph Pizzimenti; Robert Pastore; s-car-list at audifans.com
	Subject:	Re: [s-cars] Exhaust banging - APR snub mount

	[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

	Hey eh Joe, where you gonna run to now.

	Man, when we talked about this last week, Joe told me he hit a speed
bump hard enough to crack the exhaust near the cat. Heard some ticking
noises and such. I suppose if that's true, he bent that unruly pipe, no?

	Recall Frank wrote about the snub mount last year, and reminds us
often. It provides a stiffer mount for the engine nose, to prevent excessive
twist, under load. This should be required for all of us, whether Stromung
or not.


	 Joseph Pizzimenti
	I've had some exhaust interference lately, too. Hit a
	bump and have had a loud vibration coming from the cat
	area ever since. I'm going to try putting the
	straight pipe on tomorrow (emissions tests be damned,
	I "know a guy") and see if that helps things. Tell me
	more about how this engine mount is gonna help guys
	like you and me with unruly PostoSport Exhausts?

	--- Robert Pastore wrote:
	> OK, so I got tired of my stromung cat hitting my
	> trans under hard
	> acceleration, and now I have the APR snub mount in
	> hand.
	> Any BTDT with installation? Is it press fit or not?
	> How long should the
	> install take?
	> Thanks in advance.
	> Bob
	> -----Original Message-----
	> From: s4audinut [mailto:s4audinut at aol.com]
	> Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 2:01 PM
	> To: s-car-list at yahoogroups.com
	> Subject: [s-cars] Re: Exhaust banging
	> Jim,
	> Bad motor/tranny mounts are probably the root of
	> this problem. A
	> special front (snub) motor mount in urethane is
	> obtainable from APR
	> (they dont know it works for s4 but it does) is very
	> helpful in
	> controlling wear on all other mounts. I replaced all
	> mounts including
	> snub and the car is way tight and I get no probs.
	> even w/big power.
	> Have the mounts checked out, and if you can afford
	> replace all.
	> Rod
	> --- In s-car-list at y..., jimk at s... wrote:
	> > My exhaust pipe (I think) is making a loud banging
	> noise under hard
	> > acceleration. While I would like to believe that
	> I have the
	> special 500hp
	> > version of the Lehman software and the massive
	> torque is twisting
	> the frame,
	> > alas, I'm sure it's most likely a loose something
	> or other. I
	> crawled under
	> > the car and everything is attached securely except
	> I noticed that
	> at one point
	> > the exhaust is attached with something that almost
	> looks like a
	> spring of some
	> > sort. At that point there is also a rubber
	> bushing. One side of
	> this is
	> > pretty crumbly and not really intact anymore.
	> Anyone else BTDT?
	> > Jim
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