[s-cars] Good source for brake parts

Jim McGee jmcgee at ecentral.com
Fri Aug 16 07:54:27 EDT 2002

I got Zimmerman rotors from these guys.  I have to presume that they
have the other things you need as well.

Jim McGee

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Vincent Frégeac
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 5:48 PM
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: [s-cars] Good source for brake parts

Hi all,

Last Saturday, 8 am, I was up and ready for a rebuilt of the four
chasing the 2" pedal travel I've suffered for a few month now, when I
discovered 3 of the 4 caliper hoses were cracked just above the metal
on the caliper side. The fourth hose have blown and been replaced three
weeks ago! It seems my beloved S6 have not been cared as it should by

Anyway, I postponed the facelift, checked everything just in case and
discovered also that the rust was showing through the inner face of both
front disks! So, I e-mailed my favorite part suppliers, Volkswerk and
TPC to
learn that TPC is BO on Zimmermans, do not carry Pagids nor S6 caliper
hoses. Volkswerk have the Pagid but no Zimmermans, only unknown German
and no hoses.

So, to make along story short, could you suggest another source who have
Zimmerman disks, pagid pads and caliper hoses. I would strongly prefer a
single source to avoid three shipping fees and three custom fees.



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