[s-cars] Correct Big Red Part Number + RotorHat Question

Igor Kessel igor at s-cars.org
Sun Aug 18 16:37:04 EDT 2002

Frank Amoroso wrote:
> Igor,
> Assuming you mean 323x30 (and not 25) S8 rotor, then no it is not the
> same rotor offset as the Bira S6x hat. At least I don't think so. If so,
> it is pure serendipity.
> I specified the S6x hat offset to mate the 993tt caliper + rs2 bracket
> combo to the 993tt rotor (which, as you know is 32mm wide). Then, since
> I wanted to use the 996tt caliper with this rotor, Bira just drew up the
> custom calper bracket accordingly. Hence, one hat / rotor combo (that
> has a pretty deep offset for great wheel fitment) that works with two
> different caliper / bracket combos: 1) 993tt caliper & stock RS2
> bracket, or 2) 996tt caliper & Bira S6x bracket.
> I thouht this was a sehr gutes idea on my part.
> Too bad Sierra Motorsports was never able to deliver on their $250 hats,
> that would have made for a killer kit when paired with RS2 bracket +
> 993tt caliper & rotor.
> Frank at s-cars.org

OK, Frank, let's compare the numbers.

You're right, the S8 is the 30mm rotor. Oops.

Anyway. This is what I have now:
993tt calipper + RS2 bracket (shaved 1.25mm to move the calliper closer
to the hub) + S8 rotor (30mm wide)

You are describing the following setup:
993tt caliper + RS2 bracket + 993tt ring (32mm wide) + BIRA hat

This tells me that the hat might be the proper offset. I will measure
the S8 rotor offset at the first opportunity.

Igor Kessel
two turbo quattros

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