[s-cars] Belt tensioner & Sunroof trim droop

Matt Russell skippertgore at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 22 03:39:53 EDT 2002

Hello All,

Couple things I've had sitting here that I've been meaning to do a follow-up
post about:

1 - I've seen several posts about drooping/saging trim plastic where the
sunroof switches and light are located.  When I installed my V1, I wrecked
mine as well.  Turns out, it's only a cheap tin frame which is available
from the dealer for $16.20, part number 4A0 867 529 A.  Took me all of 10
minutes to replace.  No more sag from the plastic trim!

2- Multi-purpose belt tensioners: Tony and Casey had lent me a hand with
this one.  Thanks to Casey, I was able to locate a replacement bearing for
the tensioner pulley, NTN brand 6203 2NSE.  Problem was, my pulley seems to
be formed AROUND the bearing.  There are two ridges on each side which
contain the bearing in the center of the tensioner pulley.  Although I
drilled out the 3 "rivets" that appear to hold this whole thing together, I
was unable to get the 2 halves to seperate and allow me to replace that
bearing.  Even tried a machine shop, and they too were mystified.  So,
although the bearings were cheap, I was unable to save myself the 210 bucks
for the whole new tensioner assembly.

Oh well, it was worth a shot.  Casey, I'd love to know how you got yours
fixed if you're reading this...

HTH someone out there...

-Matt, CT
92 s4

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