[s-cars] NE //S Fest directions for the email-saving-challenged...

Paul Krasusky KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com
Thu Aug 22 17:01:07 EDT 2002

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Sorry for the WOB for all you non-northeasters out here, buuuuuuuuut, blame
the numnut northeasters here who haven't saved the evite for the shindig

I've had a # of people (you know who you are!) ask me for directions again,
so, I've decided to repost the evite so I can maybe do a lick of work for
once, heh heh.  And I don't want to hear "it's hard to read", get over it
already 8-)  Highlight the text and it's fine.


The directions are on it, as is a map you can click on, or enter the zip on
your favorite map maker thingy.  If you get lost:

a) you suck
b) you couldn't find your way out of a paper bag
c) you should not own an //S car
d) you should turn around and go home (and sell your car) as we don't want
you there
e) all of the above

OK, seriously, it's VERY easy to get to, and you won't miss it (you'll

Smell ya all Saturday.


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