[s-cars] Where's the chip?

Dave Burig dburig at igsenergy.com
Mon Aug 26 10:52:45 EDT 2002

In an effort to ascertain which chip the previous owner installed in my car,
yesterday I took out the metal box, bent up the tabs, and discovered that it
takes a Torx bit (which I leant to a previous neighbor) to open the circuit
board sandwich inside the box.  I'll buy a new bit during lunch today, but I
wanted to know which chip it is that I'm looking for.  Any pictures out
there?  I can look in from the side and see a chip on a plug-in socket that
looks like an aftermarket soldering job. It's right in the middle of the
"sandwich".  Has the OEM chip been removed, a plug put in its place, and the
"chip du jour" been installed?
NOTE: This would have been done at least 4 years ago, as, yes, I have
unknowingly been driving around with a chipped car for that long.
Dave "wearing the flame retardant suit to work today" Burig

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