[s-cars] //S Fest test drives

bob.rossato at att.net bob.rossato at att.net
Wed Aug 28 16:28:45 EDT 2002

> BAHAHahhaahahhahaha!!!!!!!!...
> Fortunately, our on-site German photographer managed to capture some video
> feed of the subsequent drive Pizzo took Bob on...
> http://www.scrabo.com/autoecol.mpeg
> -Paul

I haven't been able to stop laughing all morning.  Practically pee'd my pan=
ts watching Pastore slapping Pizzo around.

Seriously, the NE S-Fest was a great time.  Yes, there were many wonderful =
cars to ogle at and take for a spin, but first and foremost it was the abil=
ity to finally be able to put a face with many of the names and cars.  A fe=
w of you I met earlier this year at the NY Auto Show, but this was my first=
 time meeting many of you.  As has been iterated by several people already,=
 I'm just sorry that I didn't get a chance to spend more time with everyone=

Unfortunately, I got there after Jen left so the crowd didn't get the oppor=
tunity to see her open the gifts.  For that I am truly sorry.  In my defens=
e, I took a gamble and bought one last little item and was waiting for it t=
o arrive in the mail which is what held me up.  It did come in from Germany=
 about 1pm but alas, it just wouldn't fit on the rump of the mini-quattro. =
 So it was all for naught.  Anyone want to buy an RS6 rear badge?  Though I=
 think I may just slap it on my tool box.  And yes Paul, there were several=
 folks that couldn't make it but wanted to pitch in anyway.

Anyway, fantastic job Paul.  You put a lot of effort into this and it showe=
d=2E  For next year, see if you can get the town to widen your street, we'l=
l put a "Christmas Tree" at one end and hold continual drag races during th=
e event.  Along with a portable 4-wheel dyno we'll be able to provide all s=
orts of 1/8 mile, 1/4 mile, hp comparisons before and after installation of=
 the Pastore Integrated Sewer System (PISS) running with plain H2O, Warstei=
ner, or Seirra Nevada Pale Ale.... or recycled versions thereof for a PISS^=
2=2E  Hmmm, just noticed there seems to be an unintentional theme in this e=

Now everyone in the mid-west go out and make the Minneapolis/Nationals S-Fe=
st this weekend even better!


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