[s-cars] NE S-fest and quick question...

Pollock, Thomas Thomas.Pollock at hp.com
Wed Aug 28 13:37:04 EDT 2002

Ok fellas,

first off, sorry if you non-N.E. s-listers are getting tired of reading about crazy Pauls K's shindig but I wanted to personally offer my thanks as well.  As has been said over and over, really nice meeting ALL of you !   About an hour after arriving I actually started getting most names to match faces, course a few hours and brewskies later, I had it all wrong again and everyone became either Bob or Paul. Sorry about that.  So with that out of the way let me say that there sure was some fine German machinery there !  Ok and that Eye-talien jobbie wasn't so bad either.  Rodney King would have been proud, Audi, MB, BMW, VW and Ferrari all "getting along"....

In the "wished I had thought of that" department, in no particular order.  I wished I had brought my video camera to capture all the, ahem, "test" drives. Now I know what hitting the rev limiter sounds like. I wished I had taken more still shots with my digital camera. I mean, haven't I got enough pictures of my own car already ? I wished I had brought some warmer clothes for the baby. I mean, first sign of temps below 60 and the car is in the garage. 8-)  Ooooo, Cillas not gonna like that one. Just kidding dear. I wished I had asked for a ride in Bobs, pissa nice car. Wished I had remembered the recent post drag stories about dumping the clutch at anything over 3k. We all know what clutch smells like but for ten points can anyone tell me what color said smoke is ? (hopefully no one saw me leaving) and speaking of smoke, I wished I wasn't standing so close to Matt when he was puffing that pipe. Man, what the hell kind of blend was in there ?  Some weird kind of aphrodisiac or something ? The women wouldn't stop talking about it. Tried replicating the aroma when we got home but the mix of Mobil 10/40, Dot4 and Redline didn't do it, for her anyway... 8-)

Now for the hats. Sorry if my son Ryan was a little pushy with the hats. Hey he even got ME to buy one, that little chip off the wives block !    In any case, they all went, unfortunately I forgot to put a couple aside for some out of town listers who were interested in the graphics and wanted one too.  Sooooooo, because of that and the fact that I didn't bring more black ones, I'm going to have another batch made up. Since we all shared the cost of the embroidery in the first lot, I propose that I keep the price of the hats at $15 and I'll donate all extra monies towards Darins National relief fund.  Not sure how much $ to send through the mail but lets see how much interest I get first but like I said, I'm doing a few more for myself anyway.  Darin, since I don't have a current web site to display could you post a picture on the official site ?  and as usual, I haven't given this alot of thought so if it's out of line, no biggie.

looking forward to doing it all over again next year !

> Tom Pollock
> Compaq Computer Corporation
> AlphaServer Product Development
> *Tel (508)467-4441
> * thomas.pollock at compaq.com

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