[s-cars] DOT HID Low Beam Conversion (Pics and write up)

Pram pramtt at pacbell.net
Fri Aug 30 12:12:04 EDT 2002

On my own conversion to HID using generic HID ballast (I believe
Osram).  I am not using external relay for the HID.  Use the same supply
as the former low beam lead (change fuse to 15 amps). More than five
years in use so far and no problem with "auto check lamp system".  Other
than when the original 10 amp fuse blew (note that the 10 amp fuse will
not blew regularly).   The 10 amp fuse blew once in the first 6 months
before I change to the 15 amps fuse.


On Thursday, August 29, 2002, at 06:55 PM, James Murray (LMC) wrote:

> Thanks Tom!
> I'll answer what I can for you.
> Yes, I agree, I'll send it to the listmeisters as Igor calls them ;-).
> caters to the Audi market, perhaps that's why the ballast doesn't
> effect the
> Auto-Check lamp system but I'd say the kits should fit any car as long
> it's
> the right bulb replacement. I don't know who manufactures the bulbs and
> ballasts, best to ask them. Yes, the bulbs are 5000K.
> LLTEK caters mostly to the new Audi, but as some know, I've been trying
> to
> get them to develop some styling products. The HID was one of the
> extras I
> wanted them to offer, so I took the plunge, installed them and did a
> write
> up!
> Cheers, /James.
> P.S. I sure would like a set of those Silvervision...
> 	-----Original Message-----
> 	From:	Thomas Green [SMTP:trgreen at comcast.net]
> 	Sent:	August 29, 2002 9:28 PM
> 	To:	James Murray (LMC); 's-car-list at audifans.com'
> 	Subject:	Re: [s-cars] DOT HID Low Beam Conversion (Pics and
> write up)
> 	on 8/29/02 4:08 PM, James Murray (LMC) at James.Murray at ericsson.ca
> wrote:
> 	> If anybody wants the pdf version just let me know.
> 	>
> 	> Next write up will be the "Programmable Wiper Relay", got all the
> pics, just
> 	> need to finish the write up.
> 	>
> 	> Cheers, /James.
> 	>
> 	> -----Original Message-----
> 	> From: James Murray (LMC) [SMTP:James.Murray at ericsson.ca
> 	> Sent: August 28, 2002 11:49 PM
> 	> To: 's-car-list at audifans.com'
> 	> Subject: [s-cars] DOT HID Low Beam Conversion (Pics and write
> 	> up)
> 	>
> 	> Here's the HID write up:
> 	> http://www3.sympatico.ca/wadleigh/LLTEK_HID_Install.htm
> 	> <http://www3.sympatico.ca/wadleigh/LLTEK_HID_Install.htm>
> 	    Bravo, James!  Splendid job on the posting.  IMHO this needs to
> be in
> 	the S-car and URS4 tech archives.  The LLTEK site references new
> S-4/A-4.
> 	Was the kit specifically for those models and generally for any
> projector
> 	headlamp?  Who manufactured the bulbs and ballast?  Did you find the
> deg K
> 	ref for these bulbs?   I suppose some of this I should direct at
> 	    I think the interest in HID and dash lights is directly related
> to age.
> 	I have been looking at info at <www.autolamps-online.com/home.htm>.
> I don't
> 	throw them out here as an alternative source, because of unanswered
> 	questions about their kits, ie compatability with auto-lamp, etc.
> But they
> 	do have an interesting dog-n-pony show on halogen, hid, olfarts
> vision, etc.
> 	I find the site entertaining and informative, and do have the
> silvervision
> 	invisible sidelights that flash amber.  Unfortunately the guys are
> in
> 	Chester,UK.
> 	Tom '95 S-6
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