[s-cars] proud of rolling a $50k car? WTF?

Paul Krasusky KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com
Mon Dec 2 09:58:07 EST 2002

Paul boasted:

>From: "Paul Friedenberg" <paulunm at msn.com>
>To: <steadi at attbi.com>; <t44tq at mindspring.com>; <s-car-list at audifans.com>
>Sent: Saturday, November 30, 2002 6:00 PM
>Subject: Re: [s-cars] Rolled a //M Coupe Thursday!!!
> >
> > First off, get off the Geritol. I appriciate your constructive comments
> > I still invite you to lick my ass. Granted, the accident may have been
> > fault, but at least we were driving the car at its intended speed.
> > are for pussies. Roads are always there, tracks are only there once a
> > Just because you have never flipped a $50,000 car four times, don't take
> > out on us. Maybe if you pushed your Rascal to the limit (because your
> > arthritic lazy ass can't fit in a traditional German car), you might
> > life. I'm not going to waste $10 on driving school, when I can spend it
> > booze and Mexican hookers.
> >
> > Joshua "Wookie"


Like Peter, I too can no longer hold back, this one pushed me over.


First, I'm not one to preach, so I won't.  I drive her like I stole it,
every day all day and I'm proud of it.  Fine.  *BUT*, I drive within mine
and the car's limits, always, on roads I know in cars I know.  Best yet,
should I muff up, the LAST thing I'm going to do is go out, brag about it,
and post crap like this.  Geez.  This is not something to be proud of.  Hate
to say it, maybe one of you getting hurt might have knocked some reality
into you two.

Save this stuff for Audiworld...  while I've enjoyed most your other posts,
garbage like this doesn't belong in my nor others' here inbox, seriously.

Word of advice, refrain from further displaying your juvenile immaturity and
keep it to your self going forward.  Had you not said you were 23 or
whatever before, it's confirmed now.  Which is a shame to Pizzo's, etc. @
22, very mature for the age.  Email me if you'd like to say I'm on Geritol,
but please save the list from a "reply-all".

<End rant>  Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

-Paul "K" not "F"

P.S.  Hey, Darin, aren't we trying to maintain a level of decency here, sans
personal attacks, vulgarities, etc.?

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