[s-cars] oil leak onto cat

Miikka Salonen miikka.salonen at welho.com
Tue Dec 3 09:25:38 EST 2002

> Thanks, that makes it pretty clear.  I will crawl under the
> car and find out
> exactly where it is coming from.  It may be something I can
> live with for
> awhile.  Or it may be the beginning of that whispering noise
> (6speed....6speed....6speed).

That is very bad thing. I got the same whispering noise in my head and
it didn't leave until I got the 6-speed. Well, it didn't leave, it just
changed to "water injection...water injection..." or sometimes
"happersized I/C..."

> Thanks to all,
> Jim Klein

  Miikka "I hear voices"

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