[s-cars] OE wheels, 993 calipers, and road sand

Charlie Smith charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org
Tue Dec 3 11:21:23 EST 2002

Earlier, Paul Krasusky wrote:
> Hmmm...  similar but different, someone else (Pizzo?) suggested possibly
> adhering some of that fancy headlight / hood edge clear protectant to the
> cals.  Thoughts?

    Let us know how it works ...
> It was 20F all the way from OH to FL?  Yes, that counts!

At least from Columbus south through middle Kentucky.  After that, I was
too frozen solid to tell the difference.  Worst problem was that I couldn't
find the wires for my electric gloves, so they weren't turned on!

Hey, when it was Daytona bike week time, you did what you had to do.
(I used to be young and crazy)

> Paul "I fart in your gen-er-al di-rect-ion" K.

    - Charlie "But your sister -really- has ugly elbows!" Smith

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