[s-cars] Back-up light (reverse) switch

Peter Anderson panderso at maine.rr.com
Tue Dec 3 12:54:05 EST 2002


I've got one.  Tell me what it looks like and I'll check to see if it's
there.  Anyone else want something from this thing before I turn it into
paperweights / objet-d'art ?

Peter Anderson
indefinitely sans S-car

On 12/03/02 12:00 PM, "Ken Ng" <ken_ng11 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Does anyone have an old transmission from a 92-97
> A6/S4/S6 sitting around. I am looking for a back-up
> light switch, it sits on top of the transmission
> casing. Dealer wants CAD$145 and unfortunately, I
> don't have a money tree growing in my yard (in fact i
> dont even have a yard).
> If you have one that you'd be willing to sell or
> donate, I'd appreciate it.

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