[s-cars] OE wheels, 993 calipers, and road sand

Paul Krasusky KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com
Tue Dec 3 13:35:02 EST 2002

Heh, Mikey, OK my decision is made (255s, BTW)...

...just returning from "lunch", flew home for a bit.  Crank up (as usual) my
unplowed driveway, yank ebrake (like typical fool me), and slide right on
past the end of it, many feet into the "grass", within inches of my new
arborvitae wall and a pear tree.  Inches.  Whoops.  Snows go on ASAP, I
can't live w/o being able to properly enjoy the conditions.  Calipers be
damned I 'spose.  Wonder if it would have helped if I were going slower, or
hadn't used ebrake 'assist', or...   naaaa...

Bob-  1st...  HA!  2nd...  I second Jim's sentiments...  THANKS for making
me feel more 'normal', sounds like something I'd do.  A chink in the armor,
I see.  Ah, note to self...  avoid gravel-lot donuts...  will do...

Joey-  imprinting my name anywhere on my poor car will only ensure that it
break MORE.  I'll pass thanks...

-Paulie Needs Snows

P.S.  anyone tried installing a WRC style ebrake in one of our cars?

-----Original Message-----
From: mlp qwest [mailto:mlped at qwest.net]
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 11:17 AM
To: Paul Krasusky
Subject: RE: [s-cars] OE wheels, 993 calipers, and road sand

Well, you've already done the snow & 245/40-17 PO2's or 3's I take it.  I
don't know if that's being a penny wise &/or a pound foolish, but it doesn't
take much of a ding to add up to several times the cost of a wheel or two if
you slide into something.  Don't ask me how I know, BTDT two years ago in
the Bank parking lot, cause I was too pig headed to switch out the summer
tires.  Seems like I've been doing nothing but make bad choices about these
cars lately.

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