[s-cars] OE wheels, 993 calipers, and road sand

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Wed Dec 4 00:11:14 EST 2002

Greg writes:

> >SOOOoooo...  any more BTDT's from you all???  Will fitting the
> 16x8s be the
> >demise of my caliper paint here in sunny CT (where they
> seemingly sift our
> >road sand with chainlink fence rather than a fine screen!)???
> With all due respect, I thought that brake upgrades were about better
> braking, not pretty calipers.  Give me a brake!   OK, OK, I promise to
> Stop . . .


I've got about 1mm between my pretty red System 3 calipers and my 16x7 2.7t
wheels. I'll let you know in the spring...unless I put a bend in one, in
which case I will be coming to a rather quick stop!

'95.5 S6 avant
'96 A6 quattro avant

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