[s-cars] Suspension bushings and tranny mounts

Paul Krasusky KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com
Wed Dec 4 08:45:24 EST 2002

Bob wrote:

From: "Bob Rossato" <bob.rossato at att.net>

I have the same disconcerting sound/movement of the front end on my S6.
Moderate to heavy steering angle while backing up will cause nasty sounding
noises.  Seems to be more of an issue with the summer tires (235/45-17) but
I'll be putting the winter shoes on tomorrow and confirm.  As I recall the
car has always done this to some level but it seems worse lately, but it
could be recollection just isn't as good.  Any little twig, leaf, grain of
sand on the driveway seems to exacerbate it.  I have put the front end on
jacks several times to see what could be loose but everything checks out
fine.  Car is steady as a rock all the way over 100 mph and no vibrations
during braking or otherwise.  I've been thinking that it might be a result
of the torsen in combination with the wider tires and large steering/caster
angles causing some slipping/skipping at the front while in reverse but I'm
grasping at straws because I can't seem to find anything wrong with the
suspension.  I'll see if it goes away with the snows.

If you find a cause please let us know.



You?  Mounted SNOWS?  Huh?  Me, I figured you'd park that shiny black 50k
garage queen for the winter and drive, oh, one of your other 17 cars.  Go
figure.  Though, I *do* wanna see your hoar with them sexy OE 15's mounted
up.  <Gasp>

My front end was also doing this when I got it, a VERY loud "pop" emitted,
intermittently, when backing at full lock.  Seems to have all but gone away
once I did my suspension install (OK, YOU did, I pretended).  I *may* have
heard it 1 or 2x since, don't recall.

One thing is for sure, a few months after mounting up the bigreds, along
with susp. and 255s, etc. (read:  now able to REALLY drive the snot out of
her) has 100% caused my 100k front end bushings to begin to shudder under
braking, Igor.  I'm going for a full replacement next month or so.

-Paul also with shuddering and sometimes popping front end K.

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