[s-cars] OE wheels, 993 calipers, and road sand

Joseph Pizzimenti pizzoman at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 4 06:03:59 EST 2002

--- Paul Krasusky <KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com>
> Serge suggested:
> or if he breaks that toy Audi the first time he
> rides it.
> Serge, No, Joe you still can't drive my car,
> Filanovsky
> Na, no biggie there, I gots an extended warranty for
> that one as well.
> Though, Bob's kids got first dibbs on breaking it...
>  do'ah!  8-).
> -P
Yeah, Paul, we should all watch out for those little
"Pastorini", as I've never seen a wider grin on 2
kids' faces as when I was beating the piss out of his
Avant at S Fest.  Two very cool kids, indeed.


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