[s-cars] Re: temp gauge hokey pokey

J. Khang jhlk99 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 9 13:07:01 EST 2002

 --- Vincent_Frégeac <vfregeac at sympatico.ca> wrote:
> Between 88 and 91C. 75C seems definitively low.

Thanks, Vincent.

The problem is that the coolant temperature gauge does
not agree. It shows 90C when the climate control
display shows 75C.

The temperature gauge also fluctuates between 80
(fourth mark from left) and 90C (fifth mark from
left). It stays near 80 on the motorway and goes up to
90 in city driving.

I am not sure but I have a feeling that the gauge used
to stay at 90C, however I drove the vehicle but the
onset of cold weather may be the cause.

What does the gauge in your car do?

'96 S6

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