[s-cars] Re: temp gauge hokey pokey
Vincent Frégeac
vfregeac at sympatico.ca
Mon Dec 9 21:06:37 EST 2002
Hi Kirby,
AFAIK, the heater control take its temperature from the ECT (Engine
Coolant Temperature) sensor located behind the motor, around the head
gasket (don't remember if it's just above or just below). The temp gauge
takes its temperature from the sensor in the MFTS. The ECT seems fairly
reliable, I've never heard of an ECT failure. The temp sensor in the
MFTS is a piece of crap. It seems almost every Audi owner had a failed
MFTS, or several.
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Kirby Smith [mailto:kirby.a.smith at verizon.net]
Envoyé : 9 décembre 2002 08:29
À : J. Khang
Cc : Vincent_Frégeac; s-car-list at audifans.com
Objet : Re: RE : [s-cars] Re: temp gauge hokey pokey
If the thermostat is working correctly, then the instrument cluster
temperature gauge should read a constant temperature, once the engine is
warmed up. I don't know enough about the plumbing of the CC to know what
it is measuring.
"J. Khang" wrote:
> --- Vincent_Frégeac <vfregeac at sympatico.ca> wrote:
> > Between 88 and 91C. 75C seems definitively low.
> Thanks, Vincent.
> The problem is that the coolant temperature gauge does
> not agree. It shows 90C when the climate control
> display shows 75C.
> The temperature gauge also fluctuates between 80
> (fourth mark from left) and 90C (fifth mark from
> left). It stays near 80 on the motorway and goes up to
> 90 in city driving.
> I am not sure but I have a feeling that the gauge used
> to stay at 90C, however I drove the vehicle but the
> onset of cold weather may be the cause.
> What does the gauge in your car do?
> Jonathan
> '96 S6
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