[s-cars] Re: Original Motor WEEK 992 UrS4 Test Video

William Noland wenoland at pacbell.net
Mon Dec 9 21:15:14 EST 2002

Motor Trend! Damn, Darin, then you can tell us all about the latest
sport futility, trans-sexual, cross-dressing vehicle. Though I must
admit to buying the rag from time to time (for the occaisional Audi
content), it's far from my favorite -- too much truck-ish content and
from the same people who bring us Truck Trend. They might just be
playing a cruel practical joke on you -- giving you a free subscription.
Either that, or someday in the not too distant future, some
knuckle-dragging, bottom-feeding, mouth-breathing, silverback named
Mortie is going to show up at your door to collect. Be very, very
afraid.  :-)

Bill Noland
kicking back, reading Rod & Truck and Car and Driveway

>Yes, my bad.  'Tis what happens when you have a copy of Motor Trend
>sitting on the desk next to you when composing an e-mail.  ;-)
>Speaking of Motor Trend, how many of you receive it free?   They have
>been sending me free issues for probably two years now and never bill me.

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