[s-cars] temps

Paul Krasusky KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com
Tue Dec 10 09:21:24 EST 2002

Jonathan asked and Vincent, Rossato, et al answered:

From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Vincent_Fr=E9geac?= <vfregeac at sympatico.ca>
To: "'J. Khang'" <jhlk99 at yahoo.com>, <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Subject: RE : RE : [s-cars] Re: temp gauge hokey pokey
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 20:58:12 -0500

Hi Jonathan

My gauge says 60C when it's really cold outside, 70C when the outside
temp. is normal and 90C when I'm in heavy traffic. I'm not really sure
yet if it's the MFTS or the gauge but I'm suspecting the gauge.

Anyway, it seems your T-Stat is not completely dead but it's still
opening a bit too soon. Normally, you shouldn't be able to see more than
a few degree of variation on your gauge, like a bit below the 90C mark
on the highway and a bit above in heavy traffic. A T-stat is cheap and
replacement is fairly simple. It took me 30 min. and it was the first
T-stat I changed on a 20VT. I would start there.



First, DAMN is this a cool little trick.  ANYway, tried during both last
night's and this morning's commutes, and I must say I'm real impressed with
how spot-on my gauge is despite many others' experiences to the contrary.
Suppose next time Pizzo drives my car that will all change...

Ambient 23F
Commuting traffic, stop / go / blasts to, well...
Heater on full bore
First line 0-65F
2nd line 75F
3rd needle moving to "fast" to get real corresponding reading
4th 81-83F
5th (thick) 88F was on "light" side of line
5th 90F was almost center of line, just to left

Temp for 80 mph portions of commute and above was bouncing between 88-89F.
Got into city (if that's what you can call shittyHartford) and saw 90F and
91F briefly.  Prior to the Tstat acting up, this summer, running hard,
autocross, etc., it rarely went much above 5th line...  maybe a red C-hair
beyond... (just for you Davey).

Like Vincent, I too did the Tstat last week, took maybe 7 minutes, and was
$22 @ stealer.  Try it.  Someone's suggestion of using a flex joint at
socket and 12"+ extension was right on, FWIW.

Paulie, had seen that site before but had yet to play with codes and now
going back there for more "fun", K.
'95 //S6 running at right temp.
'58 TR3A Tstat bypased

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