[s-cars] 2B Camber Plates

Neil Swanson neilsphoto at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 11 14:52:40 EST 2002

Hey all

So the new 2B plates are quiet?  That would be great
but I still wonder if I would feel every
ripple/wrinkle/divet etc (and there are TONS of them
in the NE) in the road.  Imagine driving in NYC.  If I
drove over a quarter would I know if it were a
commemorative issue or not?

Are they quiet in 13 F weather?  Try that in CA.

I may be getting old and soft but you can't get away
from the lack of rubber isolation in those bearings
and what it would mean. Add 255-40-17s to the mix.
Could be OK but I'll wait for reports from the front.


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