[s-cars] Re: Heater Control Temp vs Temp Gauge

J. Khang jhlk99 at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 13 08:29:12 EST 2002

 --- Vincent_Frégeac <vfregeac at sympatico.ca> wrote: >
Hi Jonathan,
> I'm a bit surprised by your comment about the
> behaviour of the coolant
> temp. on the heater control. Based on the Bentley,
> the Heater Control
> takes its temperature from the ECT G62, at the back
> of the engine. This
> sensor is on the hot side of the T-stat and so,
> should see a gradually
> rising temperature. This is confirmed by the fact
> that you'll see the
> fan speed react to the engine temperature much
> before the coolant temp.
> reach the T-stat triggering temperature, either 82C
> or 87C depending on
> your T-Stat. And this is good news in winter!
> The temp gauge take it's temp from the ECT F76 which
> is on the coolant
> pipe connected to the radiator top, more or less on
> the cold side of the
> T-Stat. So the temp gauge should react to the T-stat
> and behave as you
> described but not the heater control.

Sorry, I spoke too soon. The climate control did
report a gradual rise in coolant temperature this

What I observed yesterday was that the climate
controller reported the coolant temperature to be 50C
after a restart (the car had been driven a short
distance and also idled while the coolant was topped
up) about 15 minutes after I completed the thermostat
change. It stayed at 50C for a couple of miles before
proceeding towards 87C.

It didn't do that this morning and I have not
restarted the car when it's warm. Perhaps I was
observing an anomaly related to airlocks in the

Sorry for the confusion.

'96 S6

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