[s-cars] 1995.5 S6 Avant Brakes - HELP!

Charlie Smith charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org
Mon Dec 16 14:22:08 EST 2002

Earlier, Ian Duff wrote:
> Okay, so I went to get the snows (thanks, Chris!) mounted and balanced just
> now. Pulling out of the lot, the brake pedal felt kinda soft. At the first
> traffic light, it went to the floor. "WTF?!?" sez I. Try it a couple of
> times, and the brakes work on first application, then the pedal sinks to the
> floor. Quick pump of the pedal restores the brakes, unless you keep applying
> them, then the same sinking feeling. Got home safely, changed my underwear,
> and went in search of WTF? No obvious ones, like a FAQ on Jimmy's or Darin's
> sites, or fluid everywhere.
> My thinking at this point (clarified by some pointed suggestions by Peter
> Schulz) is a fluid leak first (either brake or hydraulic fluid), a bomb
> failure second, and a pump failure third. Am I on the right track? What
> should I be looking for?

Brake pedal going to the floor is a "brake fluid system" condition.
The pump, X-Plug, bomb, and Pentosin have nothing to do with that.

FWIW, the bomb is accessible from the bottom, up inside the left fender well
area sort of in front of the center of the wheel.  About 15" in from
the outside of the fender lip, and up about 6" from the stuff that
comes down to the belly pan.  You don't need that for this problem,
but just for future reference.

It sounds like a master cylinder problem to me, especially if you are not
finding any leaking brake fluid.

Replace the O-ring on the X-plug sometime at your convenience.

    - Charlie

  Charlie Smith   charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org  614-471-1418
  http://www.elektro.com/~charlie      Columbus Ohio   USA
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