Subject: [s-cars] Boston area body shop :(

CM Neville uccgroup at
Thu Dec 19 23:35:32 EST 2002

I don't know if they are still around but Bernardi and Sansossio where
excellent when I used them a few years ago.  I believe they are located in
Natick.  They did work for Lee Volvo/Jaguar.


>From: Mike Platt <mplatt911 at>
>To: lee at
>CC: Scar <s-car-list at>, Ray Tomlinson <ray at>
>Subject: Re: Subject: [s-cars] Boston area body shop :(
>Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 14:09:29 -0800 (PST)
>There is a body shop next to my work in Medford that I
>have seen a Ferrari or two at. They had just finished
>painting a left rear fender on a light blue metallic
>360 Modena when I was there, and it looked perfect.
>They are on Locust St. near the Meadow Glen Mall. They
>quoted some paint work to my old A6 avant a while
>back. Price was 3 times more than everyone else around
>the block. I hence sold the car without the work being
>done. I am away on business, but I would suggest you
>drive by. They are next to Shaw's on the same side of
>the street. I think it's City Line.
>good luck
>Mike P. (in ol' Ohio)
>95.5 S6 avant
>75 Carrera Targa
> >by a Nissan
> >Pathfinder
> >yesterday. Captained by a clueless 16 YO who chose to
> >go when the sign
> >indicated STOP, the Pathfinder sought to occupy the
> >same space as my
> >wagon. And won.
> >Fortunately, nobody was hurt and my wife's wagon
> >sustained only light
> >damage
> >(creased RF fender and RF door).
>My body shop of choice, Dicks Auto Body in Somerville,
>will look at the
>on Tuesday, but doesn't think they'll be able to
>schedule me in till
>As you can imagine, I'd prefer not to wait quite that
>Can anyone recommend a *very* good body shop in the
>This car was a good solid 95 point car and I want it
>good as new.
>better. :) And I'm concerned about the ability of a
>body shop to
>match the
>pearl metallic.
>Recommendations appreciated, both places to go, and
>places to avoid.
>'95.5 S6 avant
>'96 A6 quattro avant
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