[s-cars] Performance update with DSY

Joseph Pizzimenti pizzoman at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 20 08:20:25 EST 2002

Aww, isn't that cute!  Rod DOES care, despite rumors
to the contrary.  Must be Christmas and all, having
everyone gathered around the cactus in the yard,
taking sips of coors light around the bonfire.

--- S4audinut at aol.com wrote:
> How far is Keith Anderson at Andersen Motorsports
> away? He may know a good
> wrench around you. I like that you are trying to
> make it work but you have to
> get it dowelled correctly. If you shear  the
> remaining pins,  the bolts will
> probably shear and the tranny will hit the road hard
> and depending on how
> fast you are going...
> Get a dowel in that trany and have a machine shop
> drill and insert the dowell
> correctly, please.
> Rod
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