[s-cars] In my garage! - The EBAY 1 owner pearl Avant $16k

Ed Walsh rundeep_32 at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 20 17:56:01 EST 2002

OK, Got the S6A that was on EBAY. Thanks again Bill M
for the heads up!

2 hours to get there
4 hours to get home

Ugh, the rain was horrific/biblical/two by two style


The car is a beauty.  Gorgeous paint, mint interior.
I love the aluminum? (not chrome?) roof rails.  What's
up with the silly passenfer miiror?  The third seat is
an engineering marvel.  For the Hans und Klans
checklist, the car has:

-The oh so delish sport steering wheel - HAHAHA PAUL
-Chrome bezels around gauges - HAHAHA PAUL K.
-Rear speaker "look" - HAHAHA PAUL K.
-DIFF Lock (small radio, IC station display, lighter
on dash)
-A very cool retractable sunshade for the rear window
- is this common/stock?

One thing I noticed is that the seats are definately
not as bolstered on the thigh area as my 93 S4.  Plus
the leatehr is softer in the S6.  Odd.  I do find the
shorter side bolstered S6 seats more comfy as it
allows the legs to widen a bit more.  Now, if I were
still single or Pizzo, this would be not only be more
comfortable, but facilatory as well.

Now the bad part.

The car has at least 3 problems. PLEASE help:

1 - Engine stubles/misses when trying to make boost.
Off boost driveabilty seems normal. Because of my
delight/stupidity when first seeing the car's glorious
condition, I only test drove the car in the dealer's
semi-large lot.  Ran fine then.  Later, after I paid
for the car, I noticed that whenever I would try to
boost, the motor would miss and sound like a machine
gun from 1 cylinder dadadadadadadadada.
Then, I noticed the car would gently stumble at idle
and the engine would rythmiccally ocilate by about 75
RPM.  Not much, but very noticable.  These symptoms
once came about in my 93 and it was easy to remedy.
All that had happened was that a small piede of the
black spark plug connector thing from the coil to plug
had erroded and became lodged between the plug and
connecter.  This incresed resistancfe and only alowed
for a weak spark, so the engine would stumble under
boost.  I am hoping it's that, or a loose plug.  Can
anyone please offer another possibilty such as a PSO
or Coil or ?  I'd go look now, but I'm still wigged
out by the INTESE drive.  By the time I got home, I
felt/looked like Jack in the Shining.  Plus this
Rodney Strong is too good.


2 - Unrelated to 1.  After driving for about 3 hours
the HVAC all of a sudden makes this weird/startiling
graunching sound (not the squeeky squirel blower
moter) then my right ankle gets some hot liquid poured
on it.  Maybe 2 Ounces.  I could hear it tricle down.
Felt great.  I think, bummer, bad heater core or
related.  I turn the HVAC off for most of the rest of
the trip and my ankle never gets wet again.  The weird
thing is that my pant leg doesn't smell sweet and it
wasn't stained.  The liquid evaporated more like water
than coolant.

3 - The passenger footwell's carpet is wet/soaked.
The drivers side a little damp.  Again, the liquid
doesn't smell or feel greasy like coolant.  When I
looked up under the dash in the passenger footwell
(near the courtesey light) I noticed clear droplets of
liquid susopended drom the black heater vent/conduit.
The droplets were of the same smell and consistency as
the fluid in the passenger footwell below.


The coolant in the expansion tank is green, so either
there was a pre-existing problem that was "solved" by
countiually adding more coolant, or some monkey lad
did a flush w/o knowing abot the GL12 (if that's
right) requirment.  The coolant level was near the MIN
level when I got home, but I never checked the level
before I bought it, so the low level measure is
somewhat irrelevant.

Are 2&3 related?  Or, is there a leak in my heater
plumbing AND a clogged drain that allowed water into
the footwells.  As I mentioned, the rain was

Thanks for any tips!

Ed - Now off to go peep some MILFs at the neighborhood
Xmas party  :-)

--- Airbil at aol.com wrote:
> ED oh ED
> While the speaker grilles indeed look nice and sound
> okay imho,  I still cant
> fathom why theres nothing behind the tweeter grilles
> but foam.  thats right,
> foam.
> I'll let you know when I have a brochure copy ready.
> Good luck tomorrow.
> Bill

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