[s-cars] Metallic clack

Neil Swanson neilsphoto at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 4 06:30:10 EDT 2002

Hey guys,

Happy 4th.     So about the clack.............

I'm gonna rule out the upper bearings as the left
front was new in 11/01 and  has 6k? miles on it.  Left
and right the sound is the same clack old vs new
bearing.  no noise were heard with stock suspension.
Bilsteins are TIGHT.

 In 11/01 I swapped the strut housings between my 91
200 with Big Blacks on UFO struts and the S4.  The 91
now has G60s on S4 struts.  So I've had a chance to
inspect all the suspension parts as I've had it apart
twice now.

I have no brake dust shields at all.   The inner
control arm bushings are the only suspension part that
is on my list of future things to do and they aren't
trashed.  And they wouldn't make the noise I hear.

Bob P.   I know what you mean about the more extreme
angle since the install of the ECS plates and it is
that angle that has me thinking that the coils are
either slightly pulled apart more than intended so
they can make contact over the right kind of bump or
that  a couple are closer than intended.  These are of
course the coils H&R didn't wrap.

H&Rs for a 200 have no wrap, did they for the older
H&R S4/6 kit?   Do Eibachs?   I bought some clear
heavy 3/4" ID tubing that intend to try to split and
tie wrap to as much of the spring as possible.  In
this weather I don't fell like tearing down both
struts to bare springs even with a lift and air tools.
  But then fall is coming isn't it.

Clearly for whatever reason H&Rs design to handle the
V8s weight  meant enough coils that wrapping in
plastic was needed.

I think the angle needed to get correct camber no
matter if it is ECS plates, Igors system or whatever
would do the same thing.  That angle has to be there
for me to be at -3/4s camber, right where it was

So since nobody else has posted saying they hear this
noise (no idea how many ECS plated cars on list)  I'll
go with my theory and report what I find.


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